Seychelles News Gazette

Seychelles News Gazette


Groups of police officers rewarded after successfully completing courses

Different groups of police officers who have followed and successfully completed training courses in some 10 different areas started last year under the leadership of new Commissioner of Police Ted Barbe have received their certificates and awards.

Cpl Mira Marimba, who was the most outstanding performer in the group following supervisory training as well as in the group following mentorship training, received her awards and certificates from Commissioner Barbe himself.

Sub Inspector Madeleine Labonte, who was not present at the ceremony, was also an outstanding performer on the mentorship training programme.

Other than Cpl Marimba, other outstanding performers in the supervisory course were Sgt Collin Samson for operation, Cpl Nicolas Adelaide and Sub Inspector Sylvianne Volcy for their discipline.

The award ceremony, held yesterday at the Seychelles Police Academy at Pointe Larue, was organised to coincide with activities this week to coincide with Commissioner Barbe’s one year in office which he assumed on June 18 last year.

During the ceremony yesterday representatives of the different courses accepted the batch of certificates which they would later distribute to their fellow colleagues.

The acting commander of the Seychelles Police Academy, ASP Vincent Marie, said when addressing police officers from all ranks, guests and participants of the different courses that the Covid-19 pandemic has proven to be the main obstacle that the academy has had to deal with during the past year but it has managed to overcome it as best as it could.

He said through its effort and determination the academy managed to turn 2021 into a fruitful year when it comes to conducting the training it had planned.

“I am happy to say that training took a new dimension and the large group of officers receiving certificates after successfully completing different short courses is proof of that,” ASP Marie said.

He went on to proudly state that the academy has successfully trained the majority of its frontline police officers in awareness on trafficking in persons, gender-based violence and the domestic violence act.

“The police force has also welcomed for the first time a group of certified First Aid instructors. A large group of officers have also been trained in the use of breathalizers and all this is proof of enthusiasm with regard to training under the leadership of ComPol Ted Barbe,” ASP Marie pointed out.

Additionally he noted that the academy has also trained a group of officers and empowered them to become trainers of young recruits, civilian members of staff have also been trained at the academy.

Recognising the need for good leadership in the Seychelles police force, ASP Marie noted that the academy has also trained over 80 supervisors who have been empowered with leadership and supervisory capabilities to better deliver in their respective stations.

Cpl Marimba expressed her gratitude to the police force for providing the officers at different ranks the opportunity to develop their competence, build their capacity and boost their skills to better deliver in their respective police duties and responsibilities.

“It was not easy but we were determined to succeed, we learnt to work together, we discover our strong and weak points. We are happy and grateful for all the support we received from our leaders and our families,” said Cpl Marimba.

For his part ComPol Barbe commended the officers who took part in the different training courses. “Training is always good to strengthen and boost capacity, improve self-confidence and performances, share and acquires new skills and experiences,” ComPol Barbe stated.

He called on all police officers to continue to seize all the opportunities for more training to boost the capacity and professionalism of the police force.

Meanwhile other activities on the programme to mark ComPol Barbe’s one year in office include visits to the different police stations to meet and interact with commanders, other officers.

Today starting at 9am at the academy there will be an exhibition depicting different career prospects and opportunities in the police force to be visited by secondary and post-secondary students from different schools.

Tomorrow ComPol Barbe will continue his visit to different police stations in the northern region and on Friday at the police headquarters parade ground he will be welcomed by guards of honor where he will later carry out a parade inspection which will be followed by his address to the Force and a patrol in the town centre in the company of only senior female officers.

The accompanying photos show some highlights of the ceremony.

Source: Seychelles Nation