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Minister of Health’s message for World Aids Day

“This year’s World Aids Day is yet another occasion when we take stock and look back on how far we have come with the HIV pandemic. Much has happened and a lot has been done since we detected the first person living with HIV in Seychelles 35 years ago. We recognise that there is still a mammoth task ahead to reach set targets that are becoming more and more elusive, as the global resource base has become more challenging.

“The spotlight is on equality this year; to end inequalities that are preventing the world from putting an end to HIV and Aids.

“For this to happen, we must continue to spread awareness and keep investing in prevention, treatment and care. It will take more conscious effort by everyone, whether you are in leadership or not to ensure equal access to services to all population strata, irrespective of sexual orientation, religion, social status and any other differences which may be apparent in our population.

“The Ministry of Health on its part renews its commitment to ensure that resources are available for prevention, treatment, care and support to all those in need.

“As I said before, we can STILL end Aids by 2030 but only if we act courageously to eliminate inequalities that mask the reality of our HIV response. Stigma and discrimination create barriers to the full participation of these individuals to society, including access to healthcare services.

“I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all our health workers and for showing remarkable resilience under difficult circumstances.

“Together, we have to take action to end inequalities.”



Source: Seychelles Nation