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Human Rights Commission’s budget approved

The Seychelles Human Rights Commission (SHRC) appeared before the National Assembly on Tuesday evening, to defend their 2023 budget appropriation of R8,560,000.

The assembly unanimously approved the budget.

As stipulated by the SHRC Act 2018, the main mandate of the body is to promote and protect human rights. This includes investigating complaints and engaging in mediation, conciliation and negotiation, making recommendations for the adoption of progressive measures for the promotion of human rights, developing, conducting and managing information and education programmes, and monitoring the implementation of, and compliance with, international and regional conventions and treaties relating to the objectives of the Commission.

The body, whose budget appropriation has increased slightly from the R8,026 million appropriated in 2022, has seen the increment of R534,000 mainly to effect thirteenth month pay to employees, as well as to incorporate the new salary changes announced by Minister Naadir Hassan during the budget address.

In total, R3,988,000 is to finance compensation of employees, while use of goods and services accounts for R4,572,000.

Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Sebastien Pillay, highlighted the fact that the budget does not necessarily make provisions for legal fees and consultancies, and sought clarifications as to how such is to be financed, considering the body already has an ongoing case within the Constitutional Court relating to the Tenth Amendment.

Chief executive Elvis Julie noted that the commission has its hands full with investigations and producing analysis reports, and that not much funds are available for such. However, it was clarified that the body may throughout the course of the year submit to the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade a request for funds, to cover unforeseen expenses. This is to be financed under the contingency fund. As with other entities, the SHRC may also submit a request at the budgetary mid-year review.



Source: Seychelles Nation