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Africans Urged to Strengthen Comprehensive Approach to Ensure Peace, Security in Continent

The African Union (AU) Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, Ambassador Bankole Adeoye urged countries in Africa to strengthen a comprehensive, coordinated and harmonized approach with a view to ensuring the peace and security of the continent.

Defense Ministers of African countries have convened in Addis Ababa to discuss on the current peace and security situation in the continent.

During the occasion, AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, Ambassador Bankole Adeoye said the continent has still been experiencing serious challenges and risks of security.

Terrorism, extremism, guerrilla fighting, rebellious acts and other trans-boundary organized crimes are the major challenges that have been exacerbating the security situation in Africa, the commissioner stated.

The impact of climate change and other social and economic problems have also created additional pressure on the security problems in the continent, he added.

Hence, Ambassador Adeoye urged countries in Africa to institute a joint direction by continually evaluating the strategies they enacted to ensuring peace.

The Commissioner has also stressed the need for African countries to implement a multidimensional security system besides their individual efforts being undertaken to ensuring peace and security in the continent.

“ …We need the highest form of coordination, harmonization, coherence, and a comprehensive approach to bring an effective solutions to these challenges and peace dividend.”

Noting that peace is a prerequisite to realizing the continent that we aspire, he said, AU is exerting the utmost effort to successfully achieve this continental vision.

The Commissioner pledged to provide support to the effective implementation of decisions that will be made by the Defense Ministers of African countries in their meeting today in Addis Ababa.

According to the commissioner, AU has been making efforts with various pertinent actors to bring an urgent ceasefire agreement without any pre conditions in Sudan.

Commending the way Ethiopia has handled to end the conflict in the north under the auspices of the African Union, Adeoye said Ethiopia’s achievement in this regard should be exemplary for other countries.

The Defense Ministers of African countries in their today’s meeting are expected to discuss and reach agreement on ways to strengthening Peace Fund and properly implement the African Stand by Force.

The African Union today has also provided Somalia and Democratic Republic of Congo each with a donation of two million USD.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency